




“所以当父母们意见相左时,我总是告诉父母们,请试着沟通,让他们达成共识。如果爸爸同意,妈妈不同意,那么妈妈,你可能不得不默认。或者爸爸,你可能只能默许了。但在我们接触到孩子之前,我们必须有一张脸,一个声音。作为父母,我们不能像两个脑袋一样。因为这样会让孩子感到困惑,他们不知道该听谁的话。说起来容易做起来难吗?是的,但你必须这么做,否则孩子会感到困惑,不知道该听谁的话,感到沮丧,然后开始做一些小事,比如模仿你的行为。举个例子,一个父母说不,另一个说可以。如果说“不”的父母不知道说“是”的父母实际上是在没有沟通的情况下允许事情发生。 That causes a rift. And then the child is sort of looking at the parents like you don’t communicate and then Mommy’s being dishonest because Daddy already said no but Mommy’s doing it. Don’t think that the child doesn’t see that. And so therefore that little bit of sneakiness, that little bit of stuff that we don’t want our children to have, they sort of take it in and they start acting it out. And then we get mad at them for acting it out. But we showed them the mirror. We showed them what we did by our own behavior. “