
畅销书作家Po Bronson说,这是孩子的基因决定的。了解更多关于COMT基因和孩子对压力的生物反应。


COMT基因根据我们的基因型编码我们大脑中的两种酶这两种基因型在人群中平均分布。因此,四分之一的人拥有所谓的“勇士基因”。我们大脑中有编码快速清除酶的基因型。我们中有一半人拥有每种基因中的一种。我们从母亲和父亲那里分别获得了一种酶我们的大脑前部都有这两种酶。四分之一的人有所谓的“只会担心的基因”。我们只有大脑前部那些工作缓慢的酶。这实际上解释了有些人在压力下工作得最好。有些人需要减压来表现得更好,表现得最好。有些人每天都在无压力的环境中,他们的认知功能处于最佳状态。 Without stress they actually on average have a 10-point IQ advantage over — the worrier prototypes — have a 10-point IQ advantage over the warriors in non-stressful environment. Put stress in it and it just flip-flops. The worriers’ dopamine over floods their brain. They can’t clear the dopamine as well — mental function goes down. And the warriors actually need that stress that raises their dopamine up to ideal levels and they function their best. So it’s literally like a single gene can explain a lot of why some people are just genetically designed to handle stress and other people are not.