Po Bronson:教孩子们什么时候要有竞争力



视频记录:“这与人们开启和关闭竞争力的能力有关。这项研究来自对特立尼达和多巴哥每一个孩子的研究。它来自一项对500万英国学生的研究,来自一项对中国大学的研究,在中国,当孩子们上大学的时候,你实际上和你的四个室友四年都住在同一间宿舍里。还有关于美国南部特许学校的研究。最令人惊讶的是,当女孩们去这些特许学校上学时,她们都表现得很好。当上了精英中学的男孩比没上过精英中学的男孩学的数学少的时候,他们只上了一所非常好的中学。所有这些科学研究都表明,在精英温室学校里,女生几乎都表现得很好。但有一部分男孩实际上会做得更差。在那所学校里发生的事情是男孩们无法停止他们的竞争力。他们在学术排名系统中把自己和排在他们前面的其他男孩比较。 And if they’re kind of on the bottom, they shrink away from that competition, they start to feel bad about themselves, they’re less able of asking for help. Now all of these schools, what makes them great is there is a lot of resources. And those resources help all of the kids. But there’s also competitive pressure. And that competitive pressure can hurt some of the boys in a way that it’s not hurting some of the girls. Okay, so take my kid out of a hothouse school, take my boy out of an elite school. That’s not the lesson of this. The lesson — the real lesson — is we need to teach kids when to turn their competitiveness on and when to turn it off. And we need them to not always relentlessly compare themselves to others. And, it’s not that you can’t go to a great school and let the resources and some of the social forces help you get to college. It’s more that, you know, if you are one of the B students in a school where there’s mostly A students, you know, that’s okay, and not to feel bad about yourself. And to still recognize it’s a good school and that you want to be there, and to be okay with that. It’s when boys are punishing themselves over that, that they’re sort of cycling downward.”