
心理学家玛德琳·莱文(Madeline Levine)说,那些看起来无聊、心不在焉的孩子可能只是需要帮助,让他们认清自己的优势和技能。

每个孩子都有他们感兴趣的东西,心理学家Madeline Levine说,所以不要放弃一个喜欢或看起来懒惰的孩子。父母可以通过鼓励孩子发展他们的兴趣和天赋来帮助他们——不管这些兴趣和天赋是什么。


“每个孩子都有自己感兴趣的东西。你知道人们会说‘哦,我的孩子很无聊’或‘我的孩子很懒。“我是一名治疗儿童和青少年30年的心理学家,我不这么认为。我看到一些孩子没有参与其中,因为提供给他们的盘子里没有他们感兴趣的东西。但如果我们为孩子们设置更广泛的课程,那么我认为每个孩子都有他们真正感兴趣的东西。我们未能理解广泛的技能如何在生活中发挥作用。所以每隔一段时间就会有人对我说,‘你知道吗,我不知道我的孩子将来会成为什么样的人。她所能做的就是一直和她的朋友们聊天。她总是在解决他们的问题。’然后就像‘哦,所以她可以成为一名心理学家。“所以我有一个短篇故事。 When my oldest kid played softball, there was that one kid in the back of the field — who always got put out in the back of the field cause he would wander off. Hit a ball and where’s Tony? Nobody could find Tony. And Tony was always off in the woods finding plants. So Tony was like the weird kid, right? Well actually, Tony is now the head of botany at a major university. So it’s just understanding that there’s a lot more in life, and that so many of these skills that we’re quick to dismiss actually are particularly useful given the needs of the global economy in the 21st century — creativity and collaboration, communication skills. These are the things that business after business after business is saying we are looking for in our new hires.”